VideoHive A is for ATOM After Effects Project
After Effects CS3 CS4 CS5 | 1920×1080 | 185 Mb
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The template includes two project files. One that has all the Trapcode Particular and Video Copilot’s Optical Flare prerendered effects so that you actually don’t need to have those installed, just place your logo/edit the text and you are ready to hit the render button in no time( everything is explained in the included video tutorial). However I have included a project file with all the original layers and settings for those that have Trapcode Particular and Video Copilot’s Optical Flare and want to tweak the settings as they see fit.
Resolution: 1920×1080, 1280×720;
Format: Adobe After Effects .aep project ( CS3 , CS 4 and CS5 compatible);
Font used: ASENINE which you can download here for free http://www.dafont.com/asenine.font
A video tutorial is present in the pack that will show you how to:
– quickly customize the project to suit your immediate needs;
– re-size the project to fit the resolution of your choosing;
Here are some full size images:
– http://a.imageshack.us/img413/7880/100170.jpg ;
– http://a.imageshack.us/img96/7228/200253.jpg ;
– http://a.imageshack.us/img826/8927/300393.jpg ;
and a fullsize preview
The sounds are not included but if you want them just PM through the system.
For any questions or remarks please PM me through the system.
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