Project Info List Exporter 2 (Aescript)
2.1.0 Version – Dec 4, 2018
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After Effects Project Info List Exporter (aka: AEProjectI.L.E.) is a tool designed to assist users by providing an easier overview of an After Effects project file.
AEProjectI.L.E. gives you access to a vast amount of project data in easy to view lists that can be sorted by column or searched. Find mis-matched frame rates faster, check various data for continuity, verify 3rd party plugins that are being used, see which plugins are missing, view asset folder locations easily, determine when and where renders were sent, and so much more.
Utility tools
Included cleanup and organization features
– “Organize Project Assets” The popular After Effects script from 2013 that has been implemented as a simple button. (Organizes project assets into a basic folder structure allowing for faster understanding of a project build. Footage is placed into folders based on file extension, compositions are separated by Precomp, and top level master comp status. Solids and Nulls are grouped into the Solids Folder.)
– “Cleanup Assets” Another popular After Effects script from 2017 known as “conSOLIDator” has been implemented and given a bit more power. (Will conSOLIDate all of your project Solids and Nulls into as few as possible. Also now removes duplicate footage, and unused footage assets from project.)
– “Delete Unused Effects Plugins***” Is a feature that will review all plugin effects on composition layers and determine if they are active, or not. If inactive, they will be removed.
Features include:
Overview Stats
– Project name
– Project file path
– Unique colors used in Composition backgrounds, Solids, Text layer fill and stroke, Shape layer fill and stroke
Color swatches
– Fonts used in project*
– 3rd Party effects used in project
Overview view
Have access to data in the following areas
– Comp Items…..(Data shown: Name, W x H, PixelAspect, FPS, Duration, WorkAreaDuration, Precomp, Comment, Shy, FrameBlending, Motionblur, ActiveCamera, Background Color, Draft 3d, DisplayStartTime, Audio, ResolutionFactor, ShutterAngle, ShutterPhase)
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