
Fireworks Reveal – for logos, text and pictures 10763903 Videohive – Free Download After Effects Template VFXDownloads

After Effects Version CS6 | Trapcode Particular | 1920×1080 | 292 Mb

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This project reveals your source artwork as a burst of fireworks. You can use it to reveal a logo, text, or even clip art and photos.

It requires Trapcode Particular, but does not use any other 3rd party plugins.

The project is driven by a single pre-composition that you put your artwork into. Just drop in a logo or type some text, then position, scale and rotate the composition wherever you want it on screen. Then hit the render button and your artwork is transformed into a detailed, explosive burst of fireworks! The final reveal is comprised of 10 different layers of particle effects, adding detail, texture and realism to the result.

This template includes two separate project files, one for a single colour effect and one for multicolour.

The single colour project lets you control the hue of the entire output by selecting a single colour. The multicolour project uses the colours in the source artwork.

A background layer full of different types of fireworks adds depth, colour and movement to the final render – you can turn it on or off to suit your needs. (The background layer alone can be rendered out and used in any projects that require fireworks!)

This project was created using After Effects CS 6 and will open in later versions. Detailed instructions with screengrabs are included.

Please note that no audio is included with the download. Many firework sound effects can be purchased from Audio Jungle for less than $5.

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